The City has excellent recreational facilities including a 13.5 acre park with shaded pavilion and playground area which includes tennis courts, sand volleyball court, baseball/softball field, and a full disc golf course. The park has a ½ mile walking path which extends into the smaller park on Parkview Drive. The kitchen is available for large functions as the Oktoberfest which celebrates its German Heritage annually on the first Sunday in October, and St. Peter’s Parish Homecoming Picnic the last Sunday in June. Lindsay is the home of an Antique Tractor and Farm Machinery Show held during the month of September.
Keep Lindsay Beautiful (KLB). The mission of Keep Lindsay Beautiful is to educate its citizens to take responsibility and cleanliness of the City of Lindsay and surrounding areas in such a way that it is attractive and appealing to businesses, families and tourists. KLB sponsors many programs in the schools and community. KLB is affiliated with Keep Texas Beautiful, and encourages the citizens of Lindsay to join in helping keep the city beautiful. “Follow Us On Facebook”.
Lindsay is proud of St. Peter’s Church, which is a Texas Historical site. The current structure was completed in 1918, after the original church was destroyed by a cyclone. The interior was painted originally by Swiss Artist Friedolin Fuchs. A renovation was taken on the parish in 2011-2012. The church has many beautiful stylized paintings and hand painted statues. For more information check out their web site: